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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Why not just take the Trans Canada Trail?
A: Because the Trans Canada Trail is not a national cycling route network. Please see the Google Document for further explanation.
Q: West to East or East to West?
A: West to East as the mountains will train you.
Q: Why not include the north? Yukon/NWT/NorthernBC/Alberta?
A: Because it's not paved, a great distance between services and you really need to be self-reliant. You can find a great answer from the facebook group here.
Q: Why isn't the network that's uploaded to Ridewithgps updated?
A: The project is open-source, you are welcome to volunteer to upload it. The network is rather large and very detailed. Every change that's made to the master GPX file, and then Google Maps map for the KMZ file needs to be updated on every track sharing website that the network is on. This takes a long time to do, and there are no paid staff to-do this.


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