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Approved Accommodations Criteria

  To be considered as an Approved Accommodation,
  the place should;



and have 2 or more of the following attributes;




Yes! should be considered an
Approved Accommodation.

 Other useful amenities (but not required for
Approval) include;


a selection of various phone chargers,   

a convenience store,   

free (or included) shower,
laundry facilities,
local tourist guide
paper cycling map


This is the spreadsheet, if the internet elves can't load the document below, here is the link to the Google Spreadsheet.

You can download the Campgrounds.kmz file here. Shown below with the Organic Maps App, with the network in the background.
Campgrounds on Oranic Maps app
There are 738 campgrounds listed, last updated 15may2024

and the GPX file here, also last updated 15may2024.

Here's a Google Maps list for all the Campgrounds along the Trans Canada Bike Route Network


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