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This page will show you step by step instructions for downloading the zip file, unzipping it to a new folder and opening up the contents (KMZ files) with the Organic Maps app, as well as downloading the map areas for offline travel. (The above screenshot shows the 5 layers of the network, the rest of the layers are hidden by default)

Step 1: Download the ZIP file

You can download the ZIP file containing the multiple KMZ files, the working GPX file, custom icons and the Excel XLS spreadsheet file which includes a template for the daily log reporting. The file is stored on the Internet Archive website https://archive.org/download/TransCanadaBikeRoute

Step 2: Unzip the files to a new folder

Now that the zip file has been downloaded, you need to unzip it into a new folder. If your device can't unzip zip files directly, you need to install a file manager app. Total Commander or File Manager are options that have the unzip feature included.

Create it in the 'Downloads' directory (so it's easy to find).

Step 3: Download the Organic Maps app to view it.

Or you can download it from the app website https://organicmaps.app/

Step 4: Open the folder from within the Organic Maps app

This may take a few actual minutes to load as they are large files. The 5 layers containing the network are turned on by default. You can see all of the different Layers (Bookmarks) by turning them on (check the checkboxes) one at a time to best see them on the map.

Step 5: View the data

You can see the samples screenshots of the network shown with the Organic Maps app (tap to enlarge image)

Step 6: Download map areas

You will need to download the map areas across the country where you plan on going. Just zoom in along the network and download the areas as prompted.

It's about 1.1gigs of memory space needed on your device to Download all of Canada, or you can download each province collection or region directly.

Step 7: Further Resources

Join the conversation on the Facebook group Bike Across Canada Here's the map legend as shown in the Google Docs Presentation (very large file) MapBook/Guidebook


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